Covid-19 Notice From The Preserve


We take cognisance of the threat of the Covid-19 Coronavirus.  We therefore subscribe to all preventative practices and initiatives to protect our customers and ourselves, or anyone we have contact with, against the spread of this unprecedented threat.

It is also our belief and duty as respected entrepreneurs in the funeral industry to uphold and adhere to the legislative, regulative and other preventative measures as may be proclaimed by the South African Government from time to time. This we do as good corporate citizens and as our responsibility to the safety of the community in which we live and do business.

It is however also our duty to serve the community of South Africa through our specialised and exalted funeral services in the Preserve Memorial Parks, being the most idyllic, peaceful and dignified settings ever established as a cemetery and final resting pace for our unawaken loved ones.

For purposes of rendering funeral services to the people of South Africa, we will continue to regard each and every customer as unique and special in their time of need and grief provide the best interment service humanly possible at each and every funeral.  However all funerals will remain subject to social distancing principles and legislative requirements to ensure safety for all, including but not limited to:

  • During all consultations and meetings between clients, funeral directors, any representative and our staff, social distancing of at least 1.5 meters will be maintained.  
  • We apologise in advance that our staff will not shake hands with clients, funeral industry personnel or any representative upon greeting persons.
  • Meetings with clients will be limited to a maximum of two persons representing clients and/or funeral director institutions.  No more attendees to the meeting will be allowed.
  • All staff, clients, funeral industry personnel and/or visitors entering and exiting our premises, offices and/or buildings will be required to sanitise their hands with sanitiser provided at the doors.
  •  Funeral and interment arrangements will be done strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Disaster Management Act regulations as promulgated by the South African Government.  This shall include that the amount of peopleattending t he funeral and/or grave site, will at all times be limited as may be required in relevant legislation.  The Preserve security personnel thus reserves the right to excercise the right of admission which is reserved.
  • On-site functions, receptions, funeral and/or memorial services will be allowed to be convened on Preserve Memorial and cemetery properties, only if permitted by, and subject to stipulatons of the promulgated regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act.
  • All attendees to a funeral will be required to leave the Preserve Memorial Park and cemetery immediately after the interment, and if applicable the reception and/or function for dearly departed. 
  • Next of kin may, subject to observaton of social distancing and wearing of masks covering the nose and mouth, visit the graves of their lovedones at the Preserve.
  • In the event that Disaster Management Regulations pertaining to restrictions of movement of people being amended by the South African Government, the Preserve reserves the right to change any and all arrangements, privelages of visit and movement of people to or on the Preserve cemeteries and Memorial Parks in acordance with such Disaster Management Regulations.
  • All attendees to funerals will be required to sanitise their hands upon entry onto the Preserve and upon exit therefrom.  During funeral ceremonies our staff will require attendees of a funeral to maintain social distancing.
  • Our staff will, after the funeral service, provide              the next of kin with the Preserve Interment Certificate, copy invoices, access cards and             all relevant documents in a sealed envelope.  These documents will have been sanitised prior               to inclusion into the envelope.  Kindly sanitise your hands and the envelope before opening,              to remove the content.

Yours faithfully


